Resistance Through
Their Eyes
Resistance Through Their Eyes is the fourth edition of the EU-funded LRE Youth Programme “Through Their Eyes“ which started in 2018. This project involves partners from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Poland.
The project
The aim of the project is to foster a deeper understanding of the theme of resistance during the Second World War. A travelling and digital exhibition focused on stories of young people who experienced the war and its consequences will allow students and visitors to reflect on this important topic of our history, while a series of youth events will promote reflection on the war experiences, also thanks to eyewitnesses and special guests.
All project participants have the opportunity to exchange their insights and working methods and find the best way to communicate in accordance with a multiperspective approach.
Resistance through their Eyes has the LRE Foundation as coordinator and the Milan Municipality (Italy), the Institute Ferrucio Parri (Italy), the Resistance Museum Amsterdam (The Netherlands), The White Rose Foundation (Germany) and the Home Army Museum Krakow (Poland) as project partners.
The project consortium and educational partners will ensure at every step that the learning environment remains safe, respectful and non-discriminatory following the Child Protection Policy (PDF) they agreed upon.

The virtual
The virtual exhibition consists of thirty personal stories of young people who experienced – in different countries and ways – WWII and its consequences.
It gathers all the personal stories displayed in the travelling exhibition, and it is available in English, German, French, Dutch, Polish and Italian.
The youth events

Munich - Germany
10 & 13 May 2024 - White Rose Foundation / Munich University
Video report

News about the project
For more news about the LRE Foundation you can access the archives.

The third Resistance Through Their Eyes youth event took place in Munich last week
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