The board
& governance
The International Supervisory Board is in charge of controlling the management of the LRE Foundation, its activities and finances.
The Historical Advisory Board advises on the definition of the historical scope of the projects and supervises the content and research development.
The Members’ Council advises the management and board regarding strategies, projects and activities.
Supervisory Board

Ed Kronenburg
Chairman of the Board, former diplomat

Herre Dijkema
Board member, Chair of the Audit Committee, Managing Director Tourism Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen

Marc Kocken
Board member, Member of the Audit Committee, Head of Sector Heritage and Public Engagement at Zeeland Heritage

Dietmar Nietan
Board member, Member of the German Bundestag

Blandine Smilansky
Board member, Head of Communications and Partnerships at the House of European History

Taja Vovk van Gaal
Board member, founding Director of the House of European History
Historical Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Katja Makhotina
University of Bonn

Prof. dr. Kees Ribbens
National Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD)

Dr. Benoît Niederkorn
National Museum of Military History of Diekirch

Prof. Joanna Wojdon
Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Claire Miot
Institut d’Etudes Politique of Aix-en-Provence

Keith Lowe

Dr. Mirco Carrattieri
Milan Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Members' Council
Jan Engler
City of Pilsen
Jan Szkudliński
Museum of Gdansk
Sofia Bournatzi
PassPartout – Thessaloniki
Marieke van Kessel
Bridge to Liberation Arnhem
Marit Maas
Brabant Remembers
Sandrine Fanget
Normandy Region
Alain Dubreuil
City of Saint-Raphaël
Ross Fairbrother
D-Day Story Portsmouth
Mathieu Billa
Bastogne War Museum
Peter Schrijvers
Leopoldsburg Liberation Garden
Chris Addy
Jersey Heritage
Gotthard Kirch
Jörg Morré
Museum Berlin-Karlhorst
Daniela Volpi
Tuscany Region
Patron & Ambassadors

Martin Schulz
Member of the German Bundestag & Former President of the European Parliament, Patron of the LRE Foundation and the Liberation Route Europe

Daniel Libeskind
Architect at Studio Libeskind, creator of the Vectors of memory marking the Liberation Route Europe trails.